2006 InnoFinland Award from the President of Finland
Key Facts
Humble Begining
Headquartered in Vantaa, Finland.
Subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Research Trials
Global Reach
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Most of Sri Lanka’s sporting professionals suffer from various foot related issues including flat feet. One of the main tasks of FootBalance Lanka is to work with these sports personnel in giving them a helping hand. This in turn can support them in maximizing talents by avoiding injuries that is caused by imbalance of the feet. Many Cricketers, Basketball Teams, Soccer Teams both locally and internationally have become repeat purchasers once experiencing the benefits of having a custom-made insole to improve their performance in the field.
FootBalance Lanka will be expanding to other areas of the country soon to make this unique product available to all Sri Lankans.
The friendly team at FootBalance Sri Lanka is happy to answer any of your questions. Call 076 042 2200 our friendly team today to find out how FootBalance can help you.
Team Sri Lanka
Mr. Anjana Gunatillake

Mr. Chaminda Jayanath
Mr. Rushdi Navavi

2010 Supplier of the Year, Intersport Finland
2010 Finalist in Service Design, Best of the Year Award, Grafia – The Association of Professional Graphic Designers in Finland
2010 YIC Champion 2011 Finalist, Red Herring Top 100 Europe Award
2011 Red Herring Top 100 Global Winner
2016 Kauppalehti, Finland’s leading financial & business publication has certified FootBalance as a ‘Growth’ company as well as awarding an ‘Achiever’ certificate for exemplary performance and positive financial outlook
with Your Health &
Comfort in Mind
University Salzburg Austria confirms that FootBalance 100% Custom Insoles have the potential to prevent injuries. FootBalance constantly looks to build on our background in physiotherapy.